Marco Momi マルコ モーミ
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CF6 : Almost Vanishing for E.P. (2011) for flute solo

作曲をペルージャ、ストラスブール、デン・ハーグ、ローマ、ダルムシュタット、パリで学ぶ。いくつかの国際 作曲コンクールで賞を受賞し、コンポーザー・イン・レジデンスをベルリン芸術アカデミー、タリン市のスピノ ーラ・バンナ財団、ミラノのディヴェルティメント・アンサンブル演奏会シーズンでつとめた。これまでにアンサ ンブル・アンテルコンタンポラン、ノイエ・ヴォカルソリステン・シュトゥットガルト、アクロシェ・ノート、アンサ ンブル・モデルン・アカデミー、ニッケル、アスコ、ニュー・アンサンブル、イティネレール、ハーグ・パーカッシ ョン・グループ、アルター・エゴ等に演奏されている。モーミ作品を集めたCDが2013年ストラヴディヴァリウ スレーベルよりリリースされた。
Marco Momi (*1978) studied piano, orchestral conducting and composition in Perugia, Strasbourg, The Hague, Rome, Darmstadt and Paris; in composition he has mainly studied with Fabio Cifariello Ciardi and Ivan Fedele. From 2007 to 2010 he studied and worked at IRCAM in Paris.
His works have been awarded in several international competitions such as Gaudeamus Music Prize, Seoul International Competition, Impuls - Klangforum Wien, Reading Panel IRCAM-EIC. In 2008 he received the Kranichsteiner Music Prize from the city of Darmstadt and for three times he has been candidated to compete for the "Prix Prince Pierre de Monaco". Marco has been composer in recidence at the Akademie der Künste Berlin (2010-11) and in Turin at the Fondazione Banna Spinola (2012) ; in 2013 he has been in residence in the season of the Divertimento Ensemble in Milan.
His music have been performed by Ensemble Intercontemporain, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Accroche Note, Ensemble Modern Akademie, Nikel, ASKO, Nieuw Ensemble, Itinéraire, Slagwerkgroep Den Haag, Alter Ego, Taller Sonoro, MDI, Algoritmo, Divertimento Ensemble, David Brutti, Marco Angius, Matteo Cesari, Bas Wiegers, Marino Formenti, Mario Caroli, Robert HP Platz, Andrea Pestalozza and others, in festivals such as Musica Strasbourg, Agora Paris, ManiFeste Paris, Warsaw Autumn, Culturscapes Basel, Music Today Seoul, Magister Ludi Moscow, IMD Darmstadt, Gaida Vilnius, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Bang on a Can New York, IRCAM, AudioArtCircus Osaka, Tzlill Meudcan Tel Aviv, Gaudeamus Music Week, ZKM Karlsruhe. He received commissions from Institutions such as the French State, Radio France, Ernst von Siemens Foundation and ADK Berlin. His music is published by Nuova Stradivarius and since 2009 by Suvini Zerboni Editions. He is among the founders of the blog focused on contemporary music. Since 2008 he teaches in Italian Conservatoires, he is actually teaching Composition at the Conservatoire of Sassari.